Sunday, March 31, 2013

To my skeptical friends on Easter

Today is Easter, and probably a lot of people you know are smothering their social media with statements like, "He is Risen!" and "He's alive!" and you may be thinking....

"Do they really believe this?"

I want you to know, I understand your skepticism. It doesn't seem to make sense.

But just for one 1 minute, take a step back, and ask yourself, 
"What if it is true?

What if there really is a God who loves you so much that He sent His son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save you?
What if Jesus really did die on the cross for your sin and mine?
What if He really did rise from the grave?
What if the gifts of grace, forgiveness, and eternal life Christians talk about are real?

Then it changes everything.

And the Good News of Easter is that it is real.
This gift of grace is free to you. And it is free to me.
And this gift of eternal life is offered to you. And it's offered to me.

Regardless of your past or current situation, there is hope at the cross and the empty tomb. And it beckons you to come. For there is nothing, NOTHING, that you can do that would make this risen Savior love you any more or any less.

So, I hope on this Easter, you will look past any negative experiences or encounters you've had with "Christians", and look at the cross and the empty tomb. See the risen Savior who came to set you free, and to offer you Hope, grace, forgiveness, and eternal life. And may you see that this gift is much greater than anyone or anything this world can offer. 

Happy Easter.

thanks for reading.
