Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Christmas Spirit

I love Christmas.

I enjoy traditions, and like most families, we have our own. My family and I love to put up our Christmas tree together. Kim and I like to reminisce and talk about the stories that go along with each ornament from our vacations, while the kids get excited about their super hero or Disney ornaments. Then lastly, we set out our nativity and explain to the kids why we celebrate Christmas. This whole process really is a special time for us.

Another tradition we have is we ride around one night and look at all the Christmas decorations people have out, then of course cap it off with a trip to Krispy Kreme! But, while I drive past people's houses, listening to the kids get excited about all the blowup things and bright lights, I look in their windows at their trees, and I think to myself:

 "I wonder what is going on with that family and what were the conversations the people had while putting up that tree? What have they experienced over the past year that is gonna make this Christmas different than last year? Will this Christmas be sad for them because of a sickness or the loss of a family member or friend? Are they celebrating new life? Are they stressing about how they're going to make ends meet? Are they wondering if that wayward family member will reconnect with them this year? Etc."

It's a time of similar reflection for me as I look not only at my own life, but also at the lives of my family and friends I closely associate with.

I also enjoy this time of year because Christmas seems to bring a spirit of grace and unity.

I see people longing to help the poor and oppressed, locally and globally, during this season. I see others put away past angers and hurts between friends or family members for this one time a year because something about Christmas makes us long for unity and peace amongst each other. There is a longing to spend time together, and to help each other become "happy" during the Christmas season.

So, before we tear down the commercialism, complain about how people have just forgotten the meaning of Christmas, bark "No you mean Merry Christmas" to the store employee who tells us "Happy Holidays", and cover our cars in "Keep Christ in CHRISTmas" bumper stickers, let's remember the Gospel hasn't left Christmas. The Spirit is still on the move, and no human campaign can stop it.

Look around you. People's hearts are being transformed. People are seeing the joy found in the giving of themselves to make others happy, even if it's only for a brief moment in time. God uses this season, and all seasons, mightily for His glory.

My prayer is that instead of being a scrooge, kicking Santa to the curb, complaining about the business of malls and time with family, gossiping about people who view Christmas differently than I do, is that I would use this time to share with others why there is a hope for something better than this world, why they have a desire to help the poor and oppressed, why they are more open to showing grace to family and friends, and why they have a longing for peace, is not because it's Christmas, but rather because we have been given this spirit of grace and a longing of reconciliation with others through God who has made a way for us to be reconciled to Himself, where all good things come from, and that way is through Jesus Christ...who came to dwell amongst us and is who we celebrate on Christmas day.

thanks for reading.

Twitter: @gossettbrandon

1 comment:

  1. great post! how amazing it would be if everyone took time to consider their neighbors this season.
